Sunday, December 9, 2007

Hints and Bugs concerning document.write and images

Hints and Bugs concerning document.write and images

Please note this: When writing something to a window you should always put a
after the last text you write to a window. Otherwise you probably don't get to see the last row of your text. This happens because the browser only writes out complete lines - and if there is no end of the line it waits for more to come. Another important thing is this: If you want to insert any images into a new window be sure to put the height and width properties to the tag. Otherwise you won't see any pictures or your pages crashes somehow. This may cause some very strange problems where you don't expect the image to be 'responsible' for. So always write something like this so you won't get any trouble:

Last changed: 11.May'96

©1996 by Stefan Koch

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